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Report a Complaint - Bank Settlements

Nature of the Complaint*

Describe the problems incurred on a single file. You can select more than one -

Which lender or mortgage processor ?

Give a description of your complaint

Provide date and details to support your complaint for the problem file

Was your complaint resolved to your satisfaction ?

In many cases there is no resolution. Its your lost time.

Estimate total lost time to your firm on this file

Estimate the additional time, over and above what would be reasonable for additional attendances, being on hold etc - this could be several contact points during booking process

Estimate total $ cost to your firm on this file

Estimate the additional cost, over and above what would be reasonable for additional attendances - this is in effect the opportunity cost in lost productivity and what is not recoverable from the client

Estimate cost or loss to client for missed settlement

Where settlement failed to settle on due date due to bank error(s)

Your details will help bring about reform

Industry reform is the answer

Your name
Your firm
Your email